Qona Rankin, Howard Riley, Qona Rankin and Howard Riley

Observational Drawing for Students with Dyslexia

Strategies, Tips and Inspiration. Empfohlen 14 bis 18 Jahre. Fully illustrated with black and white drawings; and spaces for students to try out the ideas in the book. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1787751430
EAN 9781787751439
Veröffentlicht Februar 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Jessica Kingsley Publishers

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This hands-on practical guide provides dyslexic young people with techniques to improve their observational drawing skills, showing them how they can work around the issues commonly reported by students with SLDs.
Many creative and talented individuals with neurological differences report difficulties with short-term memory, co-ordination and planning ahead within a project, and a lack of specialised teaching may even dissuade them from pursuing art at school. This book addresses those challenges.
The authors, who have many years' experience of teaching art to dyslexic and dyspraxic students, also include examples not just of the techniques described, but also of the creative ideas other neurodiverse students have come up with. Fully illustrated, with clear explanations, and space to draw and sketch, this much needed book will provide dyslexic art students with the tools and confidence to achieve their goals and become the creative professionals of the future.


Qona Rankin is Dyslexia Coordinator at the Royal College of Art. She has been working with dyslexic and dyspraxic postgraduate art and design students for the past twenty years. She has progressed from delivering academic support to delivering specifically designed drawing workshops in collaboration with Howard Riley since 2008.
Howard Riley holds a doctorate in the practice and teaching of drawing from the University of Wales and has lectured on the topic for over twenty years. His drawings have been exhibited in the UK, Finland, Malaysia, Serbia, Colorado USA and Australia.

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