Quinn Loftis

Bound by Earth

The Nature Hunters Academy Series, Book 1. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 325 Seiten
EAN 6610000247042
Veröffentlicht Februar 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Quinn Loftis Books, LLC
Übersetzer Fotos von Kelsey Keeton
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Tara Thompson cannot be injured. Since the night her parents died in a tragic accident, she hasn't felt pain of any kind, not so much as a papercut. And she has no idea why. Though her body healed quickly, her heart and soul took its time. Luckily, a loving foster mom and an unwanted best friend stepped in to speed up the process. Despite Tara's best efforts, her new BFF, Shelly Smith, just wouldn't go away. By their senior year, the girls were thick as thieves and would probably become thieves if Shelly had anything to say about their future. Thankfully, fate intervenes in the form of a high school recruiter, Elias Creed, who works for a mysterious geological testing company. Cue the dreamy music and soft lighting as he walks in slow motion toward her. Then Elias opens his mouth and Tara laments the fact that the first guy she's ever been seriously attracted to...is a complete and utter butthead. Still, she can't seem to shake him, and she and Shelly are both intrigued by the company he works for. Little do they know it's not a company at all. It's an academy for those gifted with elemental powers and she's already been enrolled. And Elias isn't Tara's only suitor. The hottest guy in school--Tucker Adams--has been asking Tara out for the past three years and each time she's shot him down. Now, he's finally broken down her walls. But when Elias and Tucker both warn Tara the other is dangerous, she doesn't know who to believe. When the truth is finally revealed, Tara finds out both men know more about her past than she does, including what caused the accident that took her parents' lives.

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