Quinta Brunson

She Memes Well

Essays. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 320 Seiten
ISBN 1328637077
EAN 9781328637079
Veröffentlicht Juni 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Mariner Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
30,99 inkl. MwSt.
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';In She Memes Well, Quinta gives more than a peek behind the curtain. She invites us in, lets us poke around and offers a balm for our aching souls. She moves beyond the jokes into something much deeper, something we may not recognize we need. She is the friend, sister, lover, cool co-worker we all wished we had.'Gabrielle Union, actress and New York Times bestselling author of We're Going to Need More Wine From comedian Quinta Brunson comes a deeply personal and funny collection of essays about trying to make it when youre struggling, the importance of staying true to your roots, and how shes redefined humor online. Quinta Brunson is a master at breaking the internet. Before having any traditional background in media, her humorous videos were the first to go viral on Instagram's platform. From there, Brunson's wryly observant POV helped cement her status in the comedy world at large, with roles on HBO, Netflix, ABC, Adult Swim, BuzzFeed, the CW, and Comedy Central. Now, Brunson is bringing her comedic chops to the page in She Memes Well, an earnest, laugh-out-loud collection about this unusual road to notoriety. In her debut essay collection, Quinta applies her trademark humor and heart to discuss what it was like to go from a girl who loved the World Wide Web to a girl whose face launched a thousand memes. With anecdotes that range from the ridiculouslike the time she decided to go clubbing wearing an outfit she describes as Gary Coleman meets metrosexual pirateto more heartfelt material about her struggles with depression, Quintas voice is entirely authentic and eminently readable. With its intimate tone and hilarious moments, She Memes Well will make you feel as if youre sitting down with your chillest, funniest friend.

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