R. A. Liebfahrt

Help, I'm the plague

In the mirror of the neighbors. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 304 Seiten
ISBN 164268676X
EAN 9781642686760
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller novum publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Welcome to the one-man comedy show with Friedwald Fröhlich from Freudenstadt; today, however, not on stage, but in book form for reading. Friedwald's life could be so peaceful if it weren't for his dear neighbors ... With wit and irony, the first-person narrator shares his curious encounters with us: The famous twig hangs over the fence, the snow is not cleared properly, the music is too loud in the garden. Sometimes the vice squad arrives because they suspect a house of pleasure; sometimes the garbage collectors come to pick up the bulky waste; then ghost hunters come to clear up the ominous noises in the night. Torn between the two, Friedwald soon no longer knows what is right or wrong, allowed or forbidden, until he finally realizes: "Help - I'm the plague".

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