Ram Garikipati

Impetus for Growth

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1301022349
EAN 9781301022342
Veröffentlicht September 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Ram Garikipati
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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The Financial, Energy and Food sectors in South Korea are dynamic engines of growth that hold huge potential for foreign investors. The country is implementing economic policies and projects to develop the country into a Northeast Asian business hub country. This economic model shifts the economic goals and focus of a country away from the manufacturing sector to the financial sector, with the primary goal of becoming a player in the global capital markets.
South Korea is also a major energy consumer, and is completely reliant on imports to meet its oil, natural gas and coal demand. As for the agriculture and food sectors, they are being encouraged to evolve into an efficient, modern enterprise that provides a positive economic contribution to society in line with other sectors of the economy.
This handbook gives brief snapshots of each sector that will enable you to understand the ground reality in the country. The information is not new, and the same can be got from numerous studies, as also the reference list at the end of each section. However, if you are pressed for time, but at the same time, want to get a wind of the sectors, this is the ideal choice for you.
Also included are three exclusive interviews with the Minister of Strategy & Finance, Governor of Financial Supervisory Service and Chairman of Fair Trade Commission, which I was granted as Chief Editor of Infomag, the flagship publication of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in Korea. They have already been published earlier in Infomag, and are reprinted here.
The book takes off with the interview with Mr. Bahk Jae-wan, Minister of Strategy and Finance. This is followed by the second section on the Financial sector which gives an overview of policies and industry in South Korea, we also have an exclusive interview with Mr. Kwon Hyouk-se, Governor, Financial Supervisory Service. The third section gives you an overview of the Energy policies and industry, which is followed by the Agriculture & Food Sector. The last section concludes with an exclusive interview with Mr. Kim Dong-soo, Chairman, Korea Fair Trade Commission.


With 28+ years experience in Business Journalism/ Corporate Communications, I am now Managing Editore of an academic publisher, responsible for bringing out 27 quarterly journals and 5 magazines. I am based in Hyderabad, India. Prior to this, I was freelance business writer and editor and regularly contributed to newspapers and journals on economic issues. Before that, I was Editor/ Columnist with The Korea Herald, the leading English-daily in South Korea. I was based in Seoul for 17 years. Before that I was Chief Editor of a bimonthly magazine published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs in Korea.
Earlier, I worked as Chief Editor/ Corporate Communications of EUCCK, where I was responsible for Press Relations, which includes interacting with the media on a regular basis, clarifying their story inputs, issuing press releases and arranging media interviews for the President Group (President, 2 Vice-Presidents, Treasurer and Secretary General) of EUCCK.
I was also responsible for the in house business magazines- INFOMAG and INFOMAG REAL ESTATE. From start to finish, I was in charge of planning, interviews, writing, editing, design and marketing of the magazines, heading a team of six.
Even before, I worked in The Hindu Business Line newspaper (www.thehindubusinessline.com) at New Delhi from 1995 to 2004. I was responsible for Telecom & IT coverage of both government policy and corporate sectors and a fortnightly columnist and editorial writer. Earlier in my career at the same organization, I covered banking, macro-economic issues and infrastructure.
I am currently working on two novels- a sequel to SCATTERED FATES, and a fiction on 5 global religious icons (Jew/Christian/Islam/ Hindu/Buddhism) meeting together at Central Park New York.

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