Raven Steele

First Magic

A YA Paranormal Romance. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9791221319378
Veröffentlicht April 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Raven Steele
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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"Some things are worse than death."
Keep your head down. Don't cause a scene. And never make friends.
These are the rules I have to live by to survive. After Vykens, mutated and soulless vampires killed my parents, I know they will come for me next.
As an Aura, I can manipulate the light within me, the same ancient light Vykens feed on. It's supposed to be a sacred power, one used only for good and to help others.
But if I want to survive, I'll have to defy the Auran Council and learn to use my rare ability as a weapon.
Now I'm caught in something even bigger than I can understand, with a power I can't wield, and no one I can trust, except, just maybe, a mysterious stranger who's captured my heart, making him the biggest danger of all.
In this full-length, urban fantasy series, Steele introduces readers to a dark and exciting world full of magic, mutated vampires, and romance. If you like Cassandra Clare, Stephanie Meyers, Sarah J. Mass or Kami Garcia, you will LOVE this new series! Scroll up and grab this gritty urban fantasy TODAY!
"Born of Light pulls you in right from the beginning of the story and the action pulses all the way through. It's unique, captivating, thrilling, yet such a beautiful story that I cannot wait to get more of." ~ Customer Reviewer

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