Rebecca Conaty Bruce

Esther Valentine Chronicles Book 7: Purple Paper Dolls

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230243212
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Rebecca Conaty Bruce
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
7,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Dive into the thrilling world of private detective Esther Valentine in the latest installment of the Esther Valentine Chronicles, Book 7 in the series. In "Purple Paper Dolls," Esther and her new husband, Chief Sailor, find their honeymoon interrupted by a chilling murder case. A woman was found stabbed in an area of Houston called the Woodlands. During the investigation, they uncover information that turns one case into two when they find a potential connection between a missing cheer squad member and the murder.
Set against the backdrop of Houston, Texas, this novel combines mystery, romance, and the unique charm of Esther's detective skills. With engaging characters, a gripping plot, and the perfect blend of suspense and heart, "Purple Paper Dolls" is a must-read for fans of detective fiction. Join Esther and Chief Sailor as they solve crimes, unravel mysteries, and strengthen their bond in this captivating tale by Rebecca Conaty Bruce.


Rebecca started writing at an early age but did not become a serious writer until she retired and then published her first book: Irish Bones
Rebecca now lives in Florida with her husband and writes full time. She has two series published and one YA fiction/fantasy.

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