Richard Collier

Eagle Day

The Battle of Britain. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 376 Seiten
ISBN 1800325886
EAN 9781800325883
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Canelo History

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This is the gripping story of the Battle of Britain; of some of the most fateful weeks in history.
Drawing on eyewitness accounts from both the RAF and the Luftwaffe, this is a compelling story of history in the making through an intensely fought battle, taking the reader into the heart of the action as told by those who fought and experienced it.
The book not only captures the often savage reality of the air battles over the Channel and southern England, but it also traces the true course of the Battle of Britain as it unfolded between August 6th and September 15th, 1940 as the German and British Commanders made their fateful decisions, and Spitfires and Messerschmitts whirled and fought in the skies.
It was in these six weeks that the fate of the war, and Britain, were to be decided.
A classic account of one of the Second World War's most iconic battles, perfect for readers of Max Hastings or James Holland.



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