Richard Paul Russo

Carlucci's Heart

The Carlucci Trilogy Book Three. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0486844846
EAN 9780486844848
Veröffentlicht November 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Dover Publications
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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"One of the best blends of SF and mystery yet written." — Science Fiction Chronicle
"Russo's San Francisco is very Bladerunner, though clearly written by somebody who knows that city well ... The characters in this book are strong, the writing is solid." — SF Site
In the San Francisco of the not-too-distant future, detective Frank Carlucci agrees to look into the disappearance of his daughter's friend. His investigations reveal layer upon layer of corruption and decay, culminating in the discovery of "Cancer Cell," a mysterious renegade medical group. Operating out of the city's anarchistic free-zone, these terrorists possess a bioengineered form of hemorrhagic fever — a modern-day plague with the potential to kill millions — that they're ready to turn loose on the world.
Author Richard Paul Russo twice received the Philip K. Dick Award: in 1989, for his second novel, Subterranean Gallery, and in 2001 for Ship of Fools. This hard-boiled thriller is the third volume of the critically acclaimed Carlucci Trilogy, consisting of Destroying Angel, Carlucci's Edge, and Carlucci's Heart. All three works offer a gripping combination of classic noir mystery and futuristic cyberpunk fiction.


Richard Paul Russo

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