Rick Riordan

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Chalice of the Gods

(A BRAND NEW PERCY JACKSON ADVENTURE). Empfohlen 9 bis 12 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0241647576
EAN 9780241647578
Veröffentlicht September 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Puffin

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The original hero. A brand-new adventure.
Percy Jackson has saved the world multiple times - battling monsters, Titans, even giants - but these days the modern-day son of Poseidon is hoping for a regular final year at school.
Too bad the Greek gods have other plans, and three new quests for Percy to complete.
First up: the cupbearer of the gods, Ganymede, is missing his golden chalice. Not only is this embarrassing (why do the gods keep losing their magical items?), it's also potentially disastrous. One sip from the cup will turn any mortal into a powerful god. And the old gods do not take kindly to newbies.
Can Percy and his friends Annabeth and Grover find the chalice before it falls into the wrong hands? And even if they do, will they be able to resist its awesome power. . .?
Readers new to the Percy Jackson universe and long-time fans will love this epic adventure - full of legendary heroes, mythical creatures, ancient Greek gods and enduring friendship - from the global bestseller Rick Riordan.


Rick Riordan (he/him), dubbed 'storyteller of the gods' by Publishers Weekly, is the author of five #1 New York Times best-selling middle grade series with millions of copies sold throughout the world, including Percy Jackson and the Olympians, now a live-action series on Disney+. Rick is also the publisher of an imprint at Disney-Hyperion, Rick Riordan Presents, dedicated to finding other authors of highly entertaining fiction based on world cultures and mythologies. He lives in Boston, Massachusetts with his wife and two sons. Follow him on Twitter at @RickRiordan.

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