Robert C. Kriebel


Their Purdue Stories, Stadium, and Legacies. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 295 Seiten
ISBN 1557539227
EAN 9781557539229
Veröffentlicht Juli 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Purdue University Press
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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Dave Ross (1871-1943) and George Ade (1866-1944) were trustees, distinguished alumni and benefactors of Purdue University. Their friendship began in 1922 and led to their giving land and money for the 1924 construction of Ross-Ade Stadium, now a 70,000 seat athletic landmark on the West Lafayette campus. Their life stories date to 1883 Purdue and involve their separate student experiences and eventual fame. Their lives crossed paths with U.S. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, Henry Ford, Amelia Earhart, and Will Rogers among others. Gifts or ideas from Ross or Ade led to creation of the Purdue Research Foundation, Purdue Airport, Ross Hills Park, and Ross Engineering Camp. They helped Purdue Theater, the Harlequin Club and more. Ade, renowned author and playwright, did butt heads with Purdue administrators at times long ago, but remains a revered figure. Ross's ingenious mechanical inventions of gears still steer millions of motorized vehicles, boats, tractors, even golf carts the world over.


Robert C. Kriebel is a retired editor of the Lafayette Journal and Courier where he was employed forty years in a variety of writing, editing, and executive positions. He continues in retirement to contribute a Sunday column on local history. Kriebel is the author of four books on Indiana biography, and one about the life and the work of American jazz bandleader, Herman Woody.

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