Robert Guidi

Isambard and the Amulets of Ra (Young Isambard, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0995596859
EAN 9780995596856
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Overspeed Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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"This fascinating tale sparks their imagination and will have them gripped" - The Independent
How do you defeat evil when science is not enough? You get Magic...
London, 1820: Isambard is just like any other 16-year-old engineering genius until he stumbles across a radical plot to kill the Prime Minister. Things get complicated when he discovers that the conspiracy is being led a French revolutionary supposedly executed 25 years earlier.
With the help of the eccentric Candlewick sisters, whose magical shop has a habit of losing itself in the labyrinthine streets of Georgian London, Isambard defies his father and joins forces with the Bow Street Runners. But none of them have any idea about the ancient magic they are taking on.
Will a home-made messaging machine, a pair of telepathic stones and a talking gas be enough to help Isambard thwart the Cato Street Conspiracy?
If you like magic, contraptions and adventure then you'll love "Isambard and the Amulets of Ra".


Robert Guidi is a curious mix: half engineer, half storyteller. He studied Engineering (Mechanical, of course) at Manchester University where he wrote and staged 2 plays. On graduating he helped design a robotic vacuum cleaner at Dyson, tried writing for a couple of London magazines and failed to organise a charity cabaret. He then spent 6 years installing engine production lines for a car company before going solo as an engineering consultant and, latterly, landing a grown-up job in Mergers & Acquisitions. In his idle moments, Robert enjoys creating musical and visual doodles that, until now, have never seen the light of day. Say hi @RobJGuidi or email

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