Rod Island

Big Ban Theory: Elementary Essence Applied to Gallium, Sun's Heartbeat, Missing Sunspots, and Sunflower Diaries 28th, Volume 31

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1310576726
EAN 9781310576720
Veröffentlicht Juli 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Rod Island
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Volume 31 is a continuation of Volume 30. It's a republication of "Sunflower Diaries," Volume 31. it covers news articles of Psychic Significance for 7/19 of 2014. It cites how scientists noticed that all the Sunspots on the surface of the Sun disappeared on 7/17 of 2014 on the day I didn't publish. It also cites Alex Pettyfer getting into a fight with bodybuilders a day after I cited "Beastly." This volume is especially unique because it cites calendar dates from a publication in 2013 of 2/27 and 6/6 that aligns with a baseball interference call regarding Denard Span born 2/27 and Anthony Rendon born 6/6. Gallium 1 is regarding the previous volume city "Beastly" with Alex Pettyfer and Vanessa Hudgens. Gallium 2 is about the calendar dates for when Sunspots were no longer seen on the Sun causing the star to go quiet. Chapter 1 is regarding a floating fireball of UFOs. Chapter 2 is regarding the President vs. the Attorney General Kamala [Redacted]. Chapter 3 is regarding James Marsden as Cyclops. Chapter 4 is regarding Sam Telling Frodo about fighting for what's good in the world. Chapter 5 is about the Gold Inflation. Chapter 6 is about Game of Thrones. Chapter 7 is about the Diary of Anne Frank. Chapter 8 is about the Sun's Magnetic Heartbeat. Chapter 9 is about knowing my content is crap. Chapter 10 is about Belgium Model's pinched butt. Chapter 11 is about the state trooper fired for letting a congressman off the hook. Gallium 3 is a wrap-up regarding an interferencce call in baseball.


1/8/2023: I have been spending time on TikTok making videos. You can follow my content there as @rodisland. Much of the content here in my books published in 2012 - 2014, I have been applying to TikTok and explaining these concepts using that Social Media Platform as a visual example. What you see happening on TikTok can be used to help visualize how your abilities work.
4/30/2021 NOTE: You may see two accounts tied to "Rod Island." This was the second account created after the original housing reprinted material where I had to redact information. I shut down the original account back in 2014. However, in early 2021, NFT Art became popular. I realized that I could put Intellectual Property such as books and my ideas there as an NFT File. Since the original content I posted has an ISBN Number that proves I posted those ideas in 2012, I resurrected the old SmashWords account and made the original copies visible because they come with a time stamp and ISBN verifying that I cited these ideas back in 2012 and 2013. So if anyone tries to lay claim to these ideas after the year 2021, I can show I already had published content about this in 2012.
3/11/2020 NOTE: With the rise of the Coronavirus, it is worth taking a time to browse through my Interview Section. This is a very serious illness. While most of you may be on the fence about the Psychic Field, the Coronavirus spreading through countries warrants exploring all options for halting this disease no matter how crazy the suggestion or how slim the odds a suggestion will be successful. To just automatically assume an idea is stupid and shouldn't be considered could result in you overlooking a viable solution.
You don't have to entertain every "crazy idea," but you should listen. With so many people getting trapped indoors unable to go anywhere, you should be able to find time to browse through my literature where a lot of the eBook content is free. I have not been able to write more content because I'm overworked and exhausted. I do not receive crowdfunding since few believe in my research. When you don't fund important departments that track and monitor things like the Coronavirus and infectious diseases, you'll run into problems.
Much of my problems stem from lack of funding and where you have to do everything on a tight budget. The sad apart is that the economy is March 2020 is about to take a dive costing trillions of dollars while I can barely scrounge up enough money to buy food ...

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