Roger Beans-Rivet

Plain JavaScript: Learning the Front-End

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230931133
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller John Nunez
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
12,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Plain JavaScript: Learning the Front-End – A Practical Guide to Mastering Front-End Development
Are you ready to build stunning, interactive websites from scratch using only plain JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS? Whether you're a complete beginner or an intermediate developer looking to strengthen your foundational front-end skills, this comprehensive ebook has everything you need to become proficient in modern web development.
What's Inside?
1. Step-by-Step HTML5 Basics
2. Mastering CSS Styling and Layouts
3. In-Depth JavaScript Fundamentals
Dive into JavaScript, the language that brings interactivity to web pages. From basic syntax to advanced topics like ES6 features, functions, and control flow, this section is packed with hands-on examples and demo scripts that will have you writing clean, efficient code in no time.
4. Building Real-World Applications
5. DOM Manipulation and Event Handling
6. Advanced JavaScript Concepts
7. Version Control and Git
8. Testing JavaScript Code
Why This Ebook?
Comprehensive Coverage: Everything you need to know about front-end development is covered in one place—no need to jump between different resources.
Practical Focus: Real-world projects and step-by-step tutorials ensure you can immediately apply what you learn.
Up-to-Date Content: Covers modern JavaScript features, including ES6+, arrow functions, classes, modules, and more.
Concise Glossaries: Every chapter includes glossaries with key terms, making it easy to review and solidify your understanding.
Accessible for All Skill Levels: Written in plain language, this ebook is perfect for beginners while offering deeper insights for those with some experience.
Who Is This Ebook For?
Aspiring Front-End Developers: Start your journey toward becoming a professional web developer.
Students and Educators: A great resource for high school and college-level courses on web development.
Self-Learners: Perfect for those learning to code on their own, with clear explanations and real-world projects to practice.
Intermediate Developers: Strengthen your foundation by revisiting core concepts and learning best practices.
Bonuses Included:
Sample HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code for every project.
A dedicated chapter on building a simple e-commerce product page.
Portfolio project ideas to showcase your skills.
Tips on deploying and hosting your projects online.

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