Ron Fast

G-TRAX Devo's-Old Testament Snapshots: Book of Exodus

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1311028668
EAN 9781311028662
Veröffentlicht Mai 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Ron Fast
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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No one can use the excuse that "I can't obey God because I don't know what the rules are". God has made it really clear that we, as followers of Christ, are to act a certain way. He doesn't want us to act the way the rest of the world around us acts. He wants us to be different. So God gave us rules to live by throughout the entire Bible.
Not only did He give us rules to live by, He also gave us a huge example of how we are to live. He sent His son Jesus, dressed in a skin suit (God in a Bod) to earth so that we could actually see how we are to behave. Jesus was everything that God wanted in us. Now, He doesn't expect us to be perfect like His Son but He does expect us to try to live by the rules He set for us.


I am an I.T. professional working as the I.T. director at a very large church. Previous to my I.T. position I was the Youth Director for Junior High/Middle School youth group. During my time working with youth I saw the need for Biblical devotionals that would encourage the students to study the Bible everyday. To facilitate that I developed a series of weekly devotionals titled G-TRAX Devo's. Each devotional begins with a crazy, thought provoking story to draw them into the lesson and then moves on to short study. To hold their interest I interspersed word search and crossword puzzle, with essay questions and other question/answer formats. Once I left the youth ministry I turned the hard copy devotionals into an online version

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