Ronald C. Meyer, Mark Reeder

Jesus Had a Near-Death Experience

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798893250541
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Hangar 1 Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Two thousand years ago, in a hidden cave near Jerusalem, something extraordinary happened—an event so profound it would remain secret until now.
Present day: When Sarah Davenport witnesses her father's murder, his dying words leave her with a sequence of numbers and a mystery that will challenge everything she believes about human consciousness, technology, and the very nature of reality.
Yale professor Isaac Johns has spent his career studying the Eleusinian Mysteries of ancient Greece, never expecting to find himself thrust into one. But when Sarah appears with an artifact that shouldn't exist and a story that sounds impossible, he's forced to question everything he knows about history, science, and the thin line between life and death.
As powerful forces converge around them—the Catholic Church, Silicon Valley visionaries, and shadowy figures willing to kill to protect ancient secrets—Sarah and Johns race to unlock a truth that could change humanity forever. Their journey will take them from the hidden caves of Sedona to the cutting-edge laboratories of the modern space program, where the impossible becomes possible and the line between science and mysticism disappears.
Meyer and Reeder masterfully weave historical mystery with bleeding-edge science in this visionary thriller that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about consciousness, technology, and the human soul. What if humanity's next great leap forward isn't about advancing our bodies, but transcending them entirely?
Perfect for fans of Dan Brown, Michael Crichton, and James Rollins, this genre-defying novel will challenge your beliefs and keep you guessing until the final page.

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