Roshan Singh

From Me To You

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393386539
EAN 9781393386537
Veröffentlicht Juni 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Roshan Singh
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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This book is the collection of poems written by Roshan Singh. This poetry book almost cover every thing happening in today's world. You will find a lot of love poems. Read his poems and get lost in your own world. A world in which you and your life partner only exist. Keep reading, keep loving.


Roshan was born on 26th June 2004. He was just 8 years old when he lost his younger brother who died because of Blood Cancer. His family was living in Bokaro Steel City. He belonged to a middle class family. Roshan when he was 8 years old, he was very naughty. He used to watch Television and no one was allowed to disturb him. If anyone did then he starts crying and if nobody notices then he tries to injure himself by smashing his head on the wall. He was interested in cricket rather than writing. But, in the year 2017 everything changed. He had a crush on his classmate. He used to talk to her and then he found out how to express his feelings for her. He started writing poems dedicated to his crush. He was siting right next to her crush, so whenever he wrote something, she read it. He became famous in his class for his poems. Roshan showed his poems to his English teacher and he appreciated him. His crush left school and at that time he was completely broken. He was continuously writing poems, 5 poems per day. Then he expressed his feelings in the form of his first book "Love Defined" (Not available anymore). Although that didn't got much attention but after a few months he published a book called "My Vision" which was appreciated by many writers. And from then he never looked back, He is still studying in D.A.V. Public School. Roshan isn't a class topper, he is just a student above the average.

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