Royston Wood

Ruff and Tumble - Invasion of the Goblin Horde

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 5 bis 11 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1310157685
EAN 9781310157684
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Royston Wood
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Ruff and Tumble are dogs with jobs: as Pack Protectors they must keep invaders out of the Pack Lands. This is mainly done by barking a lot. But if something really horrible, like a Trolley of Trolls, comes banging on the door they attack with swords and battleaxes.
This is just what does happen, except it turns out to be a deliveryman. But that is enough to get Ruff's imagination working wildly. He is soon mixing up all the things that happen to him in the day with the storyline of the book he is reading (The Goblin Horde). He starts dreaming that he is Righteous Rufus, mighty Warrior and hero, who must stop the invasion of the Goblin Horde.
Unfortunately he then starts mixing his dreams back into real life. His toys have gone missing and if he doesn't get them back the Goblin Horde will invade the Pack Lands and murder everyone in their beds!
Tumble doesn't want to believe in any of it. After all, there are no such things as goblins. But she slowly gets caught up in Ruff enthusiasm to the point where she is chasing goblins through the woods.
Ruff (Rufus) is a Scottish Terrier. He is black and shaggy and gets overly excited. He is also a little nervy. He has far too much imagination for his own good and reads books which only fire him up more. He tends to get a bit confused between real life and his dreams.
Tumble (Thumbelina) is a Pembrokeshire Corgi. She describes the breed as, 'an ancient, Welsh, wolf like breed, not overly tall, used for herding cattle, very graceful and beautiful.' She thinks quite a lot of herself but is willing to get her paws dirty to do what is right. She acts like Ruff's older sister.
In fact Ruff and Tumble are very much like brother and sister: they tease each other, play tricks and banter a lot, but ultimately they look out for each other.
Note: Unlike Amazon, this version is not illustrated.


As a child I was a reluctant reader. I didn't see it as reluctance, I just didn't see the point: there were comics and a picture is worth a thousand words right?
I am now an avid reader and regret missing out on so many good stories as a child. Fortunately, with children of my own, I'm now managing to catch up, reading stories to them every night before bed.
There isn't anything quite like a good book to let you escape from the world for a while. True, films are great, but they don't engage you as much as a book. A well written book will get your imagination working, filling the story with colour and energy: a film is a depiction of somebody else's imagination.
In fact, I enjoy reading stories to my children so much, I started to write my own. And bearing in mind my own reluctance to read as a child I have written them to be as engaging as possible, to draw the reluctant reader into a land of imagination and discovery.

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