Rubi Astrólogas

¿¿ 2025

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Chinesisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798227114327
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Ediciones Rubí
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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如果你想在 2025 年吸引更多的财富、爱情、幸福和健康,你可以从本书中获得工具。 练习这些仪式,提升你的能量振动,改变你今年的生活。 当你练习这些仪式时,你将放大和磁化繁荣。 每个月的仪式、全年的农历以及更多内容。 这本书充满了白魔法、绿魔法、蓝魔法、红魔法和金魔法仪式,帮助你克服障碍,顺应 2025 年的变化。 毕达哥拉斯、达芬奇、艾萨克-牛顿和勒内-笛卡尔等最重要的学者都信奉神秘主义并举行过仪式。 莎士比亚的许多作品都与魔法信仰巧妙地交织在一起。 西格蒙德-弗洛伊德是出了名的迷信家,卡尔-古斯塔夫-荣格对魔法的研究是如此严肃和深刻,以至于他的许多诋毁者指责他过于沉溺于神秘主义。


In addition to her astrological knowledge, Alina Rubí has an abundant professional education; she has certifications in Psychology, Tarot, Hypnosis, Reiki, Bioenergetic Healing with crystals, Angelic Healing, Dream Interpretation and is a Spiritual Instructor; he also has knowledge of Gemology. Rubí has a practical and results-oriented character which has allowed him to have a special and integrating vision of several worlds, which is very useful to find the best solutions to specific problems. Alina writes the Monthly Horoscopes for the website of the American Association of Astrologers, you can read them on the website. At this moment he writes weekly a column in the newspaper El Nuevo Herald on spiritual and psychological topics published every Friday in the digital form and on Mondays in print. She has her own digital column on astrology in the newspaper Diario las Américas, Rubí Astrologa. Ruby has written several articles on astrology for the monthly publication "Today's Astrologer", has taught Astrology, Tarot, Hand Reading, Crystal Healing and Spiritual Coaching. He has a segment on the Nuevo Herald YouTube channel every Thursday about the enigmas of our universe, astrology and current affairs. She had her own astrology program broadcast daily through Flamingo TV, has been interviewed by several TV programs and every year her yearbook is published with the horoscope sign by sign and other interesting mystical topics. He is currently working on several projects that are beneficial for everyone, but especially for the Latino community. All Spanish speakers will be able to take the Astrology exam with the American Association of Astrologers thanks to their efforts with this organization and the translations of the exams by Alina Rubí. He has written several books, "Rice and Beans for the Soul", "Money for All Pockets", "Rice and Beans for The Soul", "Health for All Hearts", "Astrology Classes, Learning with your Natal Chart", "Astrological Yearbook 2021, 2022, and 2023, Chinese Horoscope 2023 and Secret Spells. He currently resides in Miami, Florida. Alina speaks English and Spanish perfectly, and combines all her talents and knowledge in her readings.

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