Ruby Dare

Caught Between Cozy and Kink (They Are Eternal, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1922936774
EAN 9781922936776
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Pacific Prose
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Sometimes your neighbor opens more than just their front door to you.
I have a cozy little house in a cozy little neighborhood. I have a best friend, and a precious little pup. But five years ago Cancer took something from me. Sure, I kicked its ass, but it got its pound of flesh. And now I need to dig deep and find the person that I am now.I'm tired of doing everything alone. For the first time in my cozy little life I'm asking for a little help. Not for love, but for help.
I have a new house in a cozy neighborhood with a neighbor who is quiet and reserved on the outside but I see something brimming just under the surface. Something that is also in me. I've offered my help, and I'm going to give it to her in the most unexpected way. I will find the chink in her armour to break her out of her shell and into her full existence. It's my job to help, not to love.
When Nyx moves in next door. Blythe's cozy little world gets thrown upside down and three ways from Tuesday. Blythe plays the violin in the symphony, and wants more stamina and flexibility in her body. Nyx, is a personal trainer and new co-owner of the local lesbian bar. When Nyx offers to help Blythe with her goals, how can she turn them down? Neighborship turns to friendships, but when a category three hurricane traps them in Blythe's storm cellar, the wind outside isn't the only thing whipping around.
If your new hot neighbor offered to help you out of your comfy little box would you step out or stay stuck?


Ruby Dare is a sassy, fat, black New England woman. A writer of paranormal romance as well as contemporary romance and fantasy romance, all with one thing in common - SPICE. After studying English and creative writing in college in New York, she has lived up and down the East coast and even tried out the west coast for a couple of years. Loving the hot weather, but too far from family, she has now planted her roots in beautiful Greenville, South Carolina. That is until the romance winds whisk her somewhere new.
Follow Ruby to find out about all of her upcoming projects:
TikTok: @RubyDare
Instagram: Writergurl73

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