Heritage and the Legacy of the Past in Contemporary Britain - Ryan Trimm

Ryan Trimm

Heritage and the Legacy of the Past in Contemporary Britain

Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 2.
pdf eBook , 362 Seiten
ISBN 1351754327
EAN 9781351754323
Veröffentlicht August 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Taylor & Francis

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Bringing together heritage studies and literary studies, this book examines heritage as a ubiquitous trope in contemporary Britain, a seemingly inescapable figure for relations to the past. It interrogates metaphoric resonances: that bestowing past, receiving present, and transmitted bounty are all singular and unified; that transmission between past and present is smooth, despite heritage depending on death; that the past enjoins the present to conserve its legacy into the future. Heritage as a trope is explored through core accounts of political theory; seminal documents within historic conservation; phenomenology and poststructuralism; film and TV; and a range of contemporary fiction.


Ryan Trimm is Associate Professor of English and Film Media at the University of Rhode Island, USA.


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