S. D. Simms

The Lord Is ... (Lessons From the Father Series, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 196286264X
EAN 9781962862646
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Mt. Zion Ridge Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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It's all in a name. Who is the Lord to you? A 40-day devotional journal, The Lord Is..., draws readers to dive deep into spiritual stories and scripture to answer this question. The Lord graced writer, Sharon Simms to thrive past the pain of betrayal, the death of a child, and trauma to draft this book. Each devotion examines a unique name of God based on the attribute illuminated to us at a particular moment in our lives. A journal page with questions and additional Scripture follows. Sharon prays to inspire and encourage you with a fresh, personal view of the countless ways the Lord loves and cares for a remarkable you.
What Others Are Saying:
Sharon Simms has taken understanding the names of God to a different level. She introduces us to God through his many names, relates that title to our personal life, and then makes our study and prayer time interactive. Her voice of wisdom speaks strongly to the reader, and her compassion and love guide them to a deeper relationship with the I Am.
~ Cindy Sproles, novelist, speaker, co-founder of ChristianDevotions.us and author of What Momma Left Behind
Dear Reader,
In the pages that follow, Sharon Simms opens a window through which we can visualize God's powerful names. Biblical heroes and her personal, relatable stories enhance the view. Sharon then captures and frames each of these precious devotionals with an interactive Journal Page.
~ eMarie, award-winning author of A Snowflake's Adventure
Sharon Simms pens the most thought-provoking devotionals. Her knowledge of scripture is so intimate, she incorporates God's principles into her storytelling seamlessly. Then, she challenges her reader with a question worth journaling their thoughts. Her transparency immediately makes me feel safe to expose my true feelings on paper, experiencing healing. The interactive activities not only set her devotional apart from the average but ensure the reader will grasp a full understanding of the message being presented. This is a must-have for every Christian woman's bookshelf.
Joy K Massenburge, speaker and author of A Heart Surrendered and The Joy of Preparing Personal Journal

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