Sah D'Simone

Spiritually Sassy

8 Radical Steps to Activate Your Innate Superpowers. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 232 Seiten
ISBN 1683644905
EAN 9781683644903
Veröffentlicht September 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Sounds True

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Transform your mind, open your heart, and help the world by uncovering and celebrating the authentic you!
Wild dance parties, vegan cake, and meaningful spirituality. Stop trying to put yourself into a box of what spirituality "should" look like-because, honey, being yourself is spiritual.
This is what Sah D'Simone shares in Spiritually Sassy, a guide for a generation that celebrates diversity, authenticity, and freedom both in life and on the spiritual path.
A queer, brown, flamboyant, immigrant spiritual seeker, Sah is a voice for anyone who wants to grow in creative ways. To be of service and make an impact on the world. To embrace their fierce, funny, and fabulous selves-even the parts they might feel ashamed of or figure just aren't "spiritual" enough.
With Spiritually Sassy, Sah distills the art of living well in our modern world into eight radical yet totally attainable steps. By incorporating scientifically backed principles of modern psychology with time-tested Buddhist techniques-and a heavy dose of sassy sauce-Sah will help you unblock your heart, befriend your mind, and live your truth out loud. In other words, he'll help you find your sass.
Highlights include:
. Clear out old ways of thinking to make room for a new story that reflects your fabulous heart-and quiets your inner critic
. Overcome imposter syndrome and know you are worthy of love, abundance, and joy
. Get out of your own way in a big way Uncover your true self to become spiritual-and sassy
. Get real about your dreams and goals, and learn powerful manifestation practices to help make them happen
. Embrace your superpowers-the gifts and talents that help you live your purpose
. The importance of looking beyond yourself to your community, your tribe, and how you give back
. Plus-tons of practices for meditation, breath work, mantra, movement, journaling, working with your mind, and more
"It is my mission in life to help you find your sass, whatever that means for you," writes Sah, "so it can radiate out and touch everything you do."
Spiritually Sassy isn't a quick fix, spiritual bypassing, or entitlement. It's a life-embracing path to awakening in modern times. Dive in to uncover your most radically authentic and spiritual self-and get sassy.


Sah D'Simone

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