Salehin Ashfi

ChronoGenesis: Echos of The Architect

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230162940
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Salehin Ashfi
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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ChronoGenesis: Echoes of the Architect
The Sequel to ChronoGenesis: The Shattered Future
The war for control over time is far from over.
In the wake of Lila Reeves' ultimate sacrifice, the timelines are far from stable. Though the world seems calm on the surface, beneath it, the echoes of the Architect's unfinished plans stir, threatening to unravel the fragile balance of reality. The mystery behind the Chronocore's creation grows more elusive, drawing Lila's allies into unknown realms where the very fabric of time itself is under siege.
As hidden truths resurface from the shadows, Adrian Blackwood unravels a chilling connection to a pocket watch—an artifact that may alter everything he thought he knew about time, and his place in the grand design. Meanwhile, the Nexus—a space between worlds—begins to reveal new, dangerous phenomena that lead to unimaginable dimensions. But darker forces, long thought dormant, are rising, determined to rewrite reality itself.
With the stakes higher than ever, Lila's legacy endures, but the question remains: will it be enough to stop an ancient power from bending time to its will? As new characters, uncharted lands, and perilous mysteries unfold, one question looms larger than all: can the past ever be truly forgiven, or will the echoes of the Architect lead them into an irreversible future?


Salehin Ashfi is an emerging amateur writer with a passion for science and technology. His fascination with these fields greatly influences his writing, which often explores concepts that merge imagination with scientific curiosity. Though he writes primarily for his own enjoyment, his work showcases a deep understanding of technological trends and scientific principles, making his stories both engaging and thought-provoking.
Ashfi is still in the early stages of his writing journey, but his unique perspective and dedication hint at a promising future. As he continues to hone his craft, there is a good chance he will delve deeper into complex topics and potentially expand his writing to reach a broader audience. His style reflects a blend of factual knowledge and creative exploration, offering readers a glimpse into the mind of someone who sees the world through a scientific and imaginative lens.

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