Sam Cheever

A Honeybun and Coffee (HONEYBUN HEAT, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1301309397
EAN 9781301309399
Veröffentlicht September 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Electric Prose Publications
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

It was a Good Samaritan thing gone horribly wrong.
She heard two men talking about killing some poor guy named Alastair. She only wanted to warn him…to save his life…but she soon found herself embroiled in his mess.
He might be drop dead gorgeous. She might be forming a real attachment to his dog. But is any man worth this?
Running for her life with a truly delicious hero, the help of his seven equally yummy brothers and one adorable dachshund named Jaws?
Okay, maybe he is worth it…
"I LOVED everything about this book. I can't remember the last time I got to read a book where I liked every character in it enough to want to hang out with them in real life." ~Recommended Read from Happily Ever After Reviews
"...the adrenaline shot of the Honeybun brothers will definitely catch the attention of every romance reader out there. You will want one of these Honeybuns with your morning coffee!" ~RT Magazine
Grab your copy now and embark on a laugh out loud adventure with a family you can't wait to get to know, and a story you won't be able to put down!


Nobody really cares that Sam Cheever is a USA Today Bestselling Author. Nobody cares that she's written a whole ton of fun and snappy books. Let's face it, the most interesting thing about Sam is the fact that she's a dogaholic. Yeah, there's no Dogaholic's Anonymous chapter that can help her. Believe me, she's looked. So Sam deals with her problem the best way she knows how. She digs into the mountains of personal experiences (mostly involving dog poo) to write GREAT dog characters.
Oh, and there are some people in her books too. She's also pretty good at those.
Want to ask Sam about her dogs…erm…books? You can connect with her at one of the following places. Just don't ask her why she has 16 dogs. Nobody in the whole wide world can answer that.
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ONLINE HOT SPOTS: To find out more about Sam and her work, please pay her a visit at any one of the following online hot spots: Her blog:; Twitter:; and Facebook: She looks forward to chatting with you! She has a technique for scooping poop that she knows you're just DYING to learn about.

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