Samantha Romero


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1497780128
EAN 9781497780125
Veröffentlicht Juli 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Samantha Romero
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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The steamy first installment of the Unstoppable romance serial by Samantha Romero. Warning... cliffhanger.
Daniel Anderson is charisma on a stick-unstoppable in every way.
He is successful and fun-loving; a self-made millionaire from the wrong end of London who personifies the textbook definition of a "player."
All women swoon in his presence, but where's the fun and challenge in that? All women, that is, until he meets Siena...
Siena ekes out her living as a performer, using her God-given talents to sing for local events and charities. Strong, feisty, and independent, she promised herself many years ago that she would never again allow a "player" to break her heart. Although flattered and intrigued by Daniel's constant attention, she struggles to resist him, knowing that surrender would mean losing herself completely.
Captivated by her voice and youthful beauty, he must have her-no matter what...
Always trust your instincts…
I knew he was trouble - from the moment I saw those damn dimples. The world of fashion had changed Daniel Anderson's life for the better, and now everything he wanted, he got. Life was a big game to him and he sure played it.
I tried to ignore his ridiculous gutter accent. So what if he found me fascinating? Singing was just what I did; it's not like I was trying to lure him in. One thing's for sure, I wasn't interested in his charm. I had seen it all before. My heart couldn't take being broken again.
But resisting isn't that simple, and we all make mistakes.
Warning: The Unstoppable Serial contains adult situations, explicit language and sexual content, appropriate for mature readers only 18+

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