Samuel Rogers


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 176 Seiten
EAN 8596547351658
Veröffentlicht September 2022
Verlag/Hersteller DigiCat
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Samuel Rogers' "Poems" is a refined collection that showcases the author's mastery of the English language and his deep appreciation for the beauty of nature, emotion, and memory. Drawing on the Romantic tradition, Rogers employs vivid imagery and melodic verse to explore themes of love, loss, and the transient nature of life. The work is characterized by a contemplative tone and lyrical elegance, which resonates with the personal and emotional undercurrents of his time, effectively intertwining personal reflection with broader societal concerns. Rogers' innovative use of form, coupled with rich symbolism, invites readers to engage with a world that is both familiar and extraordinary. Samuel Rogers, often hailed as the 'father of the English elegy', was deeply influenced by the cultural and artistic movements of the early 19th century. As a member of the influential Bloomsbury group and an ardent supporter of emerging literary figures, Rogers' work reflects the intersections of art, literature, and personal experience. His unique position within this vibrant milieu inspired him to create poignant, reflective poetry that speaks to the human condition and the aesthetic dimensions of life. This collection is highly recommended for readers who appreciate poetry that merges emotional depth with aesthetic beauty. Rogers' "Poems" captivates with its intricate language and profound insights, making it an essential read for anyone interested in exploring the intersections of Romantic poetry and personal reflection.


Samuel Rogers (1763 - 1855) was an English poet, known for his polished verse and engaging style. His long literary career was marked by his refined taste and his role as a patron of the arts. Born into a prosperous banking family, Rogers leveraged his financial stability to immerse himself in the literary and artistic culture of the day. His home became a hub for leading writers and intellectuals, including Wordsworth and Byron, who were often among his guests. As an author, Samuel Rogers is best remembered for his 1819 work, 'Italy', a collection of poems that reflect his travel experiences and capture the allure of the Italian landscape and culture, imbuing them with a sense of romanticism and nostalgia. Although less known today, Rogers' 'Poems' was influential during his time, showcasing his talent for describing nature and eliciting emotional resonance through a blend of classical and romantic elements in his writings. The literary style of Samuel Rogers is marked by elegance and clarity, attributes that won him the admiration of his contemporaries and allowed him to hold an esteemed place within the London literary circle throughout his life.

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