Sandra E. Anderson

The Book of Reading and Writing

Ideas, Tips, and Lists for the Elementary Classroom. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 176 Seiten
ISBN 1629148792
EAN 9781629148793
Veröffentlicht September 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Skyhorse Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Are You Getting the Results You Want From Your Reading and Writing Instruction?
This outstanding resource book provides research-based, practical ideas for creating a complete balanced reading and writing program that will make a difference for your students. There is a wealth of information including the following:
. Descriptions and implementation ideas for each component of a balanced reading and writing program
. Checklists for reviewing your own literacy program
. Effective strategies for teaching word study, fluency, and comprehension
. Vocabulary instructional strategies that expand students' comprehension and word knowledge
. Specific pre-reading, during-reading, and after-reading strategies that increase students' comprehension of fiction and nonfiction text
. Practical ideas for teaching writing skills in context
. Innovative ways of meeting the needs of struggling readers
. 50 tips any educator can use to positively impact students' reading performance
. 101 ideas for involving families in your literacy program
. Extensive lists of outstanding instructional materials
. Suggestions for ensuring that effective school practices are in place to positively impact your students' literacy performance
If you are looking for ideas and tips that can impact your students' reading and writing, this book provides hundreds of classroom-proven suggestions designed for new teachers, experienced teachers, and administrators.


Sandra E. Anderson is an educational consultant with Exemplary Education L.L.C. She currently resides in Newcastle, Washington.

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