Sarah Bailey

The Dark Lake

A stunning thriller perfect for fans of Jane Harper's The Dry. Main. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 448 Seiten
ISBN 1786493551
EAN 9781786493552
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Corvus
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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'Superior storytelling... excellent' - Daily Mail
A hot summer. A shocking murder. A town of secrets, waiting to explode...
A beautiful young teacher has been murdered, her body found in the lake, strewn with red roses. Local policewoman Detective Sergeant Gemma Woodstock pushes to be assigned to the case, concealing the fact that she knew the murdered woman in high school years before.
But that's not all Gemma's trying to hide. As the investigation digs deeper into the victim's past, other secrets threaten to come to light, secrets that were supposed to remain buried. The lake holds the key to solving the murder, but it also has the power to drag Gemma down into its dark depths...


Sarah Bailey is a Melbourne based writer with a background in advertising and communications. She has two young children and currently works as a director of creative projects company Mr Smith. Over the past five years she has written a number of short stories and opinion pieces. The Dark Lake is her first novel.
Twitter: @sarahbailey1982

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