Sarina Langer

A Dream of Death and Magic (Chaos of Esta Anderson, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798201024277
Veröffentlicht September 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Sarina Langer
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

'If only we could choose who we fall in love with. I might have known better then. But he smiles at me again, our eyes meet, and I think that I'm dumb enough to have chosen him anyway.'
My life is missing something.
Shouldn't there be... more to, well, everything? My plans of being a photographer aren't exactly going as I thought, either. But I will change at least the latter this summer, I'm just not sure how. Inspiration has been a bit of a bitch lately.
Oh, I'm also a lucid dreamer and know my dreamscape better than my actual neighbourhood. So, when one day I find this strange obsidian void lake in my dreams, I can't just pretend it's not there. Something has to happen if I jump in, right? It wouldn't make me feel so seen and strangely whole if it were nothing.
Except, that's exactly what happens: nothing. At least at first. But then...
Who knew the world is so full of fairies and vampires and werewolves and demons and— Magic? Well, obviously they did, but I'm finally seeing the world as it really is. And with that new insight comes all the photography inspiration I've been waiting for!
Except, it turns out the Veiled are hiding for a reason. They've seen war before, and if I'm not careful, my enthusiasm and curiosity could start a new one. Some of the Veiled are ancient, they remember the last battle...
And they know just how to turn my lucid dreams into my worst nightmares.
A Dream of Death and Magic is the first book in a planned ten-book series.

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