Scott Bevan

The Harbour

A city's heart, a country's soul. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 656 Seiten
ISBN 1925368793
EAN 9781925368796
Veröffentlicht November 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Simon & Schuster Australia
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
19,77 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

'The finest harbour deserves the finest book … A colourful, fascinating and enduring account of the greatest waterway in the hemisphere.'Simon Winchester
'This book is a joy to read. And essential for anyone who loves Sydney Harbour ... And who doesn't?'Ken Done
In the bestselling tradition of Peter Ackroyd's The Thames, a celebration of one of the world's great waterways.
Everyone knows Sydney Harbour. At least, we think we do.
Everyone can see the harbour, whether we have ever been to Sydney or not. By as little as a word or two, the harbour floats into our mind's eye. The Bridge. The Opera House. Fireworks on New Year's Eve. When we see those images, we feel a sense of belonging. No matter who we are or where we're from, we see the harbour and we feel good.
In this beautiful, authoritative and meditative journey, Scott Bevan takes us from cove to cove, by kayak, yacht and barge to gather the harbour's stories, past and present, from boat builders, ship captains and fishermen to artists, divers, historians and environmentalists, from signs of ancient life to the submarine invasion by the Japanese and the natural beauty that inspires people every day.
This is the ultimate story of Sydney Harbour - a city's heart and a country's soul.


Scott Bevan is a Sydney-based writer, journalist, broadcaster and playwright. He is the author of four other critically acclaimed books: The Hunter, Battle Lines: Australian Artists at War, Water from the Moon: A Biography of John Fawcett and Bill: The Life of William Dobell. His documentary work includes Oll: The Life & Art of Margaret Olley, The Hunter and Arthur Philip: Governor, Sailor, Spy.

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