Sean Sandulak

Vandal Eyes

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0993698204
EAN 9780993698200
Veröffentlicht Juli 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Sean Sandulak
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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When Anne Wheaton and Bonnie Burton stumble upon a murdered man in a back alley, the police suspect them of committing the crime. Now they must work together to clear their names. Follow the adventures of Anne and Bonnie as they get into trouble on the mean streets of San Francisco.
For the uninitiated, VandalEyes refers to the act of adorning everyday objects with those little plastic googly eyes you find in craft stores. The practice first came to my attention in early 2012 when Bonnie, along with Kiala Kazebee, Veronica Belmont, and Felicia Day, began the Vaginal Fantasy Book Club. As a consequence of those Hangouts, I started following Bonnie's Twitter feed, and later found Anne's account and the #VandalEyes hashtag. The random nonsense there eventually spawned its own website,, to which I may have submitted a few pictures.
When Anne Wheaton and Bonnie Burton posed for Cupcake Quarterly Magazine in May of 2013, they made the mistake of posting pictures of themselves in retro hairstyles on their Twitter accounts. I immediately photoshopped those pictures to look like a noir book cover and sent it in to the VandalEyes tumblr. Later, when I looked at that picture again, I thought that it ought to have a story to go with it. This is that story.


Crazed recluse and sociophobe who has taken up writing after failing at everything else. Send pizza.

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