Sebastian Buckup

Building Successful Partnerships

A Production Theory of Global Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration. Auflage 2012. Paperback. Sprache: Englisch.
kartoniert , 316 Seiten
ISBN 3834946591
EAN 9783834946591
Veröffentlicht Juli 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Gabler Verlag

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-Hailed by some as fundamental pillar of global governance, and criticized by others as manifestation of -top-down globalism-, multi-stakeholder partnerships have become the new mantra of policy-makers around the globe. However, our understanding of what drives success and failure in these hybrid institutions remains scetchy and incomplete. This book will introduce a production theory of partnering which describes how the contributions actors add to a partnership are translated into results. The objective of this new perspective on collaboration is to make sense of the complex dynamics partnerships face and to derive fundamental propositions on how governance structures should be designed to make partnerships succeed.


Sebastian Buckup is an Associate Director and alumnus of the Global Leadership Fellows Programme at the World Economic Forum in Geneva, Switzerland.