Sebastian Goodwin

Stop Procrastinating & Overthinking: Learn The Mind Hacks To Cure Your Procrastination Habit And Improve Your Perseverance To Overcome Laziness. Eliminate Negative Thoughts And Stop Worrying

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393260187
EAN 9781393260189
Veröffentlicht März 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Sebastian Goodwin
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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Everybody knows that procrastination is the biggest waste of time - I am talking about those moments when you imagine what you should do in your mind a dozen times, but that still stays in your head, and deep down, you already know that.
You may have already tried a couple of daily routines to change your bad habits. Some cross-out To-Do Lists to make sure that you get everything done during a day, but still, after a few "productive" days, your will power burns out, and you end up in the same place where you started - with an iPhone in your hands, scrolling down Facebook, Texting Friends, and watching Youtube videos during "breaks." And I've been there as well…
You see, you need something more powerful. A tool that will not require your will power, something that would be so compelling that you won't even have the time nor desire to think about it and wait until you take action. And here it is!
For these exact reasons - to eliminate your useless negative thoughts, destroy laziness, cut-out anxiety, and to make your days and weeks as productive as you want them to be - I created a special book that follows a completely new, proven to work 'Effortless- Productivity' approach I discovered.
And NO, I am not going to talk about the same old "JUST DO IT" nonsense. We are going to dive deep!
Take a look at just a few things you'll discover inside:Is it your Habit or Disorder? Find out why you really procrastinate and some proven tactics to slowly eliminate that4 Simple ways you can use every day to take action fast and without a lot of effort!3 Types of Procrastination? Here are 8 ways to destroy them all!How bad is your daily stress and anxiety? Let me teach you how you can relax at the end of the day without exploding head and home-problemsThis 5 Step 'Mindfulness Meditation' formula will help you clear up your mind and calm down your body - check it out!
And these are just a few of many key strategies that will give your days much more freedom and make you way happier and fulfilled.
Don't hesitate and take action now!
So Order Now and Start Reading!

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