Shanna Swendson

Enchanted, Inc.

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386365211
EAN 9781386365211
Veröffentlicht Juni 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Shanna Swendson
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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It was an offer she couldn't believe …
Small town native Katie Chandler is ready to dump New York City, her horrid boss, and awful job to head back home to Texas. Before she can make this fateful decision, she receives a mysterious job offer from a company called Magic, Spells, and Illusions, Inc. She's always thought of herself as ordinary, but according to people claiming to be wizards, she is so ordinary that she's extraordinary - she is one of the rare people so utterly without magic as to be immune to it.
And therefore perfect to be MSI Inc.'s secret weapon.
Now she's finding her way in a magical world where the boss can be a real ogre and kissing frogs is one way to get a date. The cutest guy in the company is powerful enough to blow up the city with a wave of his hand, but he can't talk to Katie without blushing furiously. Suddenly New York is her kind of city! Now Katie's biggest challenge may be dragging this ancient company into the twenty-first century in time to face competition from an evil mastermind producing dangerous spells.


Shanna Swendson earned a journalism degree from the University of Texas and used to work in public relations but decided it was more fun to make up the people she wrote about, so now she's a full-time novelist. She lives in Irving, Texas, with several hardy houseplants and too many books to fit on the shelves.

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