Shanna Swendson

Once Upon Stilettos

Enchanted Inc. , Book 2. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 320 Seiten
ISBN 0345493389
EAN 9780345493385
Veröffentlicht April 2006
Verlag/Hersteller Ballantine Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
6,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Click your heels three times and say,
"There's no place like Bloomies!”
Katie Chandler's life is pure magic-literally. As an executive assistant at Magic, Spells, and Illusions, Inc., she's seen more than her share of fantastical occurrences. A mere Manhattan mortal, Katie is no wizard, but she's a wiz at exposing "hokum” pocus, cloaked lies, and deceptive enchantments. And she's fallen under the all-too-human spell of attraction to Owen, a hunky wizard and coworker. Owen, however, is preoccupied. Someone has broken into his office and disrupted top-secret files, and it reeks of an inside job. CEO Merlin (yes, the Merlin) and taps Katie and her special ability to uncover the magical mole.
Keeping her feelings in check while sleuthing alongside Owen, Katie is shocked to discover that her immunity to magic is waning, putting her in grave danger. Soon she's surrendering to the charms and enchantments of everyone and everything around her, including a killer pair of red stilettos. Katie must now conjure up her natural instincts to get to the bottom of the break-in, regain her power, and win the wizard of her dreams.


Shanna Swendson is the author of Enchanted, Inc., Once Upon Stilettos, and Damsel Under Stress. She's also contributed essays to books on such pop culture topics as Pride and Prejudice, Firefly, and Battlestar Galactica. When she's not writing or watching television and movies so she can write about them, she enjoys cooking, traveling, singing, and looking for new hobbies to make her author bio longer and more interesting. She lives in Texas, but loves to play Southern belle in New York as often as possible.

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