Shanti Hershenson

You Won't Know Her Name

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798201075873
Veröffentlicht Juli 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Shanti Hershenson
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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A #1 new release in "Teen and Young Adult Poetry", and, "Teen & Young Adult Fiction about Peer Pressure"
All proceeds earned on this book will be donated to support foundations that help with anti-bullying, anti-sexual assault, and suicide prevention.
A haunting, shocking novel told in poetry.
"I thought they were my best friend…"
There lives a little girl whom you will never know the name of, and for her, a terrible storm is coming. She is going to a new, public middle school knowing no one but her sister, and the horrors are absolutely endless.
But she doesn't expect what is to come.
In her first few months of school, terrible and unspeakable things begin to happen, that go beyond what is considered "normal". Finding the courage to get away from the wrong people is a difficult thing, but when a horrific incident occurs, she finds herself running from who she once thought to be friends.
Now lost and alone, The Girl turns to one thing to help her get through her darkest moments. Writing poetry is the one way she can express her anger, and when her school announces that they will be hosting an open-mic night, she knows she has to enter. But entering means that she will have to face her demons, and it could be her worst nightmare…
From a teenaged author, You Won't Know Her Name shines a light on a heartbreaking reality that often goes unspoken about - the issue that is bullying in middle school. From hateful comments to real, shocking violence, this book shares what cannot be ignored.
Ages 14 and up. Some topics may not be suitable for younger readers

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