Shi Heng Yi

Shaolin Spirit

The Way to Self-Mastery. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1802067116
EAN 9781802067118
Veröffentlicht 8. Mai 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Penguin
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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A contemporary Shaolin Master shares the wisdom and philosophy of the ancient tradition that has captured the imagination of millions worldwide
What do you imagine when you think of Shaolin? Ferociously strong warriors flying through the air?
Shaolin is more than just the physical expression of martial arts. Rooted in Zen and Tao philosophy, it also offers a way of reconnecting our minds with our bodies through meditative movement to cultivate the core virtues of discipline and perseverance.
In this book, Shi Heng Yi, founder of Shaolin Temple Europe and lay disciple of the Songshan Shaolin Temple, introduces us to the contemplative practice that underpins Shaolin - a way of life that has existed for over 1,500 years - and shows how it can help us today.
Having experienced the challenges of modern life as a young man, Shi Heng Yi understands the pressures only too well. Here, he highlights twelve key practices to help improve sleep, relationships and decision-making, as much as balance, flexibility and strength, offering a powerful pathway to self-mastery and understanding.


Shi Heng Yi is the founder of the Shaolin Temple Europe, a Buddhist community in Germany, where he is responsible for the physical and mental training of visitors, master students and disciples of the Shaolin Order. His teaching methods and YouTube videos have earned him a large international online following.

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