Shia Su

Zero Waste

Simple Life Hacks to Drastically Reduce Your Trash. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 168 Seiten
ISBN 1510730826
EAN 9781510730823
Veröffentlicht April 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Skyhorse Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Easy and Effective Strategies to Jumpstart a Sustainable, Waste-Free Lifestyle
We have a worldwide trash epidemic. The average American disposes of 4.4 pounds of garbage per day, and our landfills hold 254 million tons of waste.
What if there were a simple—and fun—way for you to make a difference? What if you could take charge of your own waste, reduce your carbon footprint, and make an individual impact on an already fragile environment?
A zero waste lifestyle is the answer—and Shia Su is living it. Every single piece of unrecyclable garbage Shia has produced in one year fits into a mason jar—and if it seems overwhelming, it isn't! In Zero Waste, Shia demystifies and simplifies the zero waste lifestyle for the beginner, sharing practical advice, quick solutions, and tips and tricks that will make trash-free living fun and meaningful. Learn how to:
- Build your own zero waste kit- Prepare real food—the lazy way- Make your own DIY household cleaners and toiletries- Be zero waste even in the bathroom!- And more!
Be part of the solution! Implement these small changes at your own pace, and restructure your life to one of sustainable living for your community, your health, and the earth that sustains you.


Shia Su, as a first grader, was already of the opinion that pastries were packed in too many bags. Along with her husband, she began her zero waste journey in 2014. She documents her lifestyle on the blog Wasteland Rebel, providing readers with advice on trash reduction and living a sustainable life. She lives in Vancouver, Canada.

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