Shonda Day

Waves of Desire A Twin Flames and Soulmates: Tropical Edition Novel

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230112952
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Shonda Day
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
14,49 inkl. MwSt.
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Waves of Desire
Twin Flames and Soulmates: Tropical Edition – Volume 2
Passion. Tension. Fate. Some waves can't be resisted.
Samantha "Sam" Hayes is a fearless travel vlogger who thrives on adrenaline and adventure. But when a high-profile brand deal lands her in Maui, Hawaii, with a challenge to conquer the waves, she's forced to face her biggest fear—the ocean itself. Determined to prove herself, she's ready to take on the tides... until she meets Noah Kealoha.
A legendary surfer and fiercely protective local, Noah has spent his life honoring the island's traditions. To him, Sam represents everything wrong with modern tourism—temporary, shallow, and reckless. From the moment they meet, their worlds clash in an explosion of fiery arguments, undeniable chemistry, and an attraction neither can ignore.
But as Sam and Noah ride the fine line between love and hate, the ocean has other plans. Secrets unravel, hearts collide, and they must decide—will they fight against fate, or surrender to a love as deep and powerful as the waves themselves?
A steamy, enemies-to-lovers romance set against the breathtaking backdrop of Maui's golden sunsets and rolling tides. Perfect for fans of intense chemistry, soul-deep connections, and tropical escapes.
Can love survive the storm, or will it be swept away with the tide?
By Shonda Day

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