Silvana Dushku, Paul Thompson

Campus Talk, Volume 1

Effective Communication beyond the Classroom. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1474419399
EAN 9781474419390
Veröffentlicht Februar 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Edinburgh University Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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This two-volume Campus Talk set delivers a wide range of skills and strategies which students can actively apply in everyday social communication in both academic and non-academic environments on campus. It encourages an 'interactional' rather than a 'speaker focused' language development approach. Drawing on corpus data, it exposes students to the most salient and widely used vocabulary and grammar, illustrates the most effective conversation maintenance and communication strategies and draws attention to the socio-cultural aspects of communication. Campus Talk comprises two textbooks. Each textbook contains four instructional units and each unit is based on situations and conversations that students will come across in their everyday lives on campus. Part 1, comprising units 1-4 covers areas such as striking up a conversation, sharing and responding to news, making small talk, managing group communication, expressing and reacting to opinions, expressing, responding and talking about feelings and making and responding to requests. Each unit includes:Enabling, input-based and interactional tasks and activities Usage-informed vocabulary list Main production task Self-assessmentWith a variety of challenging tasks and activities and plenty of opportunities to practice and engage in self-reflection and self-assessment, students using these books will grow their confidence and enhance their abilities to express themselves clearly, appropriately and effectively. The workbooks are aimed at upper-intermediate and advanced learners of English (CEFR B1-C2) to promote interactional language awareness and develop active listening skills.

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