Silviu Suli¿a

They Know, You Don't!

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 131097912X
EAN 9781310979125
Veröffentlicht Juni 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Silviu Suli¿a
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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The book presents an unconventional history by showing a contrast between what's going on in reality (highlighted by titles of the chapters, the short introductive phrases and the pictures) and what is "served" to public (highlighted by quotes of notorious persons).
Some of the persons quoted in the book may not be aware on what's behind the scene but, for sure it shows a certain degree of implication in manipulating the masses.
This is an invitation to meditate on the "bigger picture" of the world because something important is happening.


Silviu Sulița has a solid educational background (Bachelor's Degree, Engineer in the field of Mechanics, specialization: Machine-Building Technology 1989-1995 * Diploma of Professional Conversion in Technological Education 1999-2001 * Master Degree in Informatics 2001-2003 *** Diploma of Professional Conversion in Information and Communication Technology 2014-2016), a great experience in education (teaching different subjects on different levels), a huge creativity potential (author of many books, inventor with few patents, programmer of software applications, creator of multiple videos, author of many articles, independent researcher in nonconventional fields) and a fruitful interpersonal collaboration (social activist, moderator of different clubs, contributor on several projects, consultant on many fields, personal tutor and trainer).
The author (a nonconformist, an opponent of obsolete approaches, demanding with himself and those around him) propose synthetic solutions on problems that cannot be solved by ignorant, duplicitous or obedient persons that refuse to believe that a fundament change at inner at outer levels is possible.
In his books the knight of the pen pries the past, takes the pulse of the present and forecasts the future through a holistic approach of the systems and phenomena that are specific of different domains/ realms/ worlds.
Unknown, mysterious, secret, hidden and occult pieces of information are brought to light and posted in a structured manner in the front of the readers.
The books are exciting, written in a pragmatic manner and useful in everyday life like a beacon in the darkness of the night.
These pieces of art invite readers to start the true journey of their lives in the quest of their spiritual essence.

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