Simi Subhramanian

7 Life Skills for Students: The Student's Guide to Personal and Academic Excellence (Self Help)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223539865
Veröffentlicht August 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Simi Subhramanian
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Unlock the blueprint to thrive academically and personally with "7 Life Skills for Students: The Student's Guide to Personal and Academic Excellence." This empowering guide illuminates the path to success through essential life skills, providing a comprehensive toolkit to excel in every facet of student life and beyond.
Discover the art of goal setting and time mastery, effective communication and collaboration, stress management and resilience building, critical thinking and problem-solving, study techniques and learning strategies, emotional intelligence and self-awareness, financial literacy and budgeting, health and well-being, interpersonal skills and teamwork, leadership and initiative, adaptability and growth mindset, and career planning and professional development.
Navigate the complexities of student life while honing vital skills that empower you to make informed decisions, embrace challenges, and lead with integrity. This book is a beacon of guidance, offering actionable insights, real-world strategies, and transformative wisdom to set you on a path of unparalleled success.
Embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, arming yourself with the tools to not only excel academically but also thrive as a well-rounded, confident, and capable individual. Elevate your student experience and shape a future defined by excellence. Leave your mark with "7 Life Skills for Students," a must-read for those aspiring to transcend academic achievement and embrace a life of purpose and fulfillment.


Simi Subhramanian, an acclaimed author and educator, is a qualified teacher from the Asian College of Teachers, TQUK, and Montessori Europe. With expertise in teaching methodologies, Simi creates captivating content that inspires and educates readers. Her diverse qualifications reflect her commitment to providing a holistic and enriching learning experience. With a passion for literature and a deep understanding of pedagogy, Simi combines her expertise to create engaging and informative content for students of all ages. Her dedication to education is evident in her thoughtfully crafted works, which aim to inspire young minds and promote lifelong learning. Simi's writing reflects her commitment to excellence in education and her belief in the power of knowledge to transform lives.

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