Ultra-Distance Cycling - Simon Jobson, Dominic Irvine

Simon Jobson, Dominic Irvine

Ultra-Distance Cycling

An Expert Guide to Endurance Cycling. 1. Auflage. Full colour photographs throughout. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 69.
pdf eBook , 256 Seiten
ISBN 1472919882
EAN 9781472919885
Veröffentlicht April 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury Sport

Auch erhältlich als:

28,49 inkl. MwSt.
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This expert guide to competitive ultra-distance cycling is all riders need to cycle a very long way, fast.
Ultra-distance events are among some of the greatest challenges a cyclist can face, with riders spending hundreds of miles in the saddle over a 24-hour period, battling the elements and overcoming both physical and mental hardships.
What was once elite is now commonplace, and today thousands of dedicated riders cycle up to and over 100 miles on ultra-distance rides every week. To add to this, the increasing profile of major events such as Race Across of America (RAAM), Race Across the Alps (RATA) and Ultracycling Dolomitica means that many more riders are being drawn to the challenge of 'non-stop' endurance cycling.
Ultra-Distance Cycling is the first mainstream book to offer practical, authoritative guidance to cyclists looking to step-up to long-distance endurance events, as well as expert advice to established competitors seeking a competitive advantage.
Written by a leading sports scientist and a record-breaking ultra-distance cyclist, this unique book is both science and experience based, offering practical and performance-enhancing insights on a wide range of areas. These include physical training and mental preparation, guidance on your support network, advice on PR and sponsorship, as well as all-important sections on equipment, nutrition and the major ultra-distance cycling events.
This definitive manual provides riders with everything they need to ride longer and faster, and to excel at ultra-distance cycling events.


Simon Jobson is Professor of Sport and Exercise Physiology at the University of Winchester, UK. As a BASES Accredited Sport and Exercise Scientist, he provides sport science support for a number of top cyclists.


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