Sinclair Lewis

Sinclair Lewis Boxed Set - 16 titles in One Volume

Babbitt, Main Street, The Trail of the Hawk, Moths in the Arc Light, Nature, Inc. , The Cat of the Stars and more. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 2180 Seiten
EAN 8596547670919
Veröffentlicht November 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Good Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
1,99 inkl. MwSt.
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The "Sinclair Lewis Boxed Set 'Äì 16 Titles in One Volume" serves as a comprehensive treasury of the literary genius of Sinclair Lewis, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author renowned for his incisive observations of American society in the early 20th century. This boxed set showcases Lewis's masterful command over language and his ability to intertwine satire with deep psychological insight. Readers will traverse an array of themes, including the critique of capitalism, the absurdity of small-town life, and the complexity of individual identity, all rendered through Lewis'Äôs sharp wit and poignant storytelling. The collection encapsulates the American experience during a transformative era, echoing modernist sentiments while also reflecting societal norms of his time. Sinclair Lewis, born in 1885, was a pioneer of realism and the first American to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1930. His upbringing in small-town Minnesota and his keen sense of social criticism profoundly influenced his writing. Lewis'Äôs acute awareness of the contradictions within American life'Äîits idealism juxtaposed with its hypocrisy'Äîanimated his narratives, allowing readers to confront uncomfortable truths about their realities. This boxed set is an essential acquisition for anyone interested in American literature and cultural history. Lewis's works are a mirror to society, challenging readers to critically engage with the world around them. By immersing oneself in this volume, readers not only experience historical perspectives but also gain insights that remain relevant, making it a timeless companion for both scholars and casual readers alike.

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