Siomonn Pulla

Raven's Key: A Novel

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0986878200
EAN 9780986878206
Veröffentlicht Juli 2011
Verlag/Hersteller Siomonn Pulla
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Siomonn Pulla's first e-novel is a fast-paced new age adventure with a most unlikely cast of characters. This book is quirky and probably unlike anything you've ever read before. An ancient Sumerian King has hired a shape shifting Raven to steal sacred objects from museum's around the world. A Museum curator and her assistant, a young anthropology graduate student, discover that they are running out of time in this quest to restore the ancient balance of light and dark forces. Together with members from the ancient Council of Light, they must track down the shape shifting Raven, locate the stolen objects and return them to the council. Nearly out of time, they must journey to discover the key to unlocking humanity's shift into the new consciousness of 2012.
As a new fiction writer Siomonn is having fun testing out ideas and working on his technique with this novel. He enjoys receiving constructive comments and his dream is to one day work with an agent and a team of talented editors to help him shape his numerous far-out creative ideas into great fiction!


I am a cultural anthropologist who currently lives on Vancouver Island in the beautiful pacific Northwest of Canada. I teach university courses and supervise graduate students in the fields of interdisciplinary studies, applied research, indigenous issues, and education technology. Currently I'm working on academic projects around Metis issues in Canada, education technology, and corporate-Aboriginal relations.
I write a significant amount of non-fiction; in fact I make a living writing non-fiction. Over the last 10 years I've published over 35 peer reviewed articles and professional reports. These cover a broad range of topics from historical anthropology and Aboriginal treaty rights, to the social impacts of major projects in Canada's North. Almost all of these publications are based on original research. Unfortunately many of these original research publications on the history of Canada and Aboriginal-settler relations will never see the other-side of a court-room; or the outside of a lawyer's briefcase.
In my creative fiction I combine my rigorous academic training and research skills with a vivid and active imagination. I'm inspired by Commercial writers like Neil Gaiman and Charles De Lint, Isabella Allende, Paulo Coleho, and Leslie Marmon Silko. And I like to bur the line between fact and fiction, weaving the real together with the unreal; drawing deeply on my anthropological expertise and knowledge of cultural tropes, symbols, and mythologies. I'm also deeply inspired by true events and themes around the spirit and mysteries of love, friendships and the greater powers and forces of the seen and unseen worlds.
Almost all of my poetry is written in a "stream of consciousness" style. For years the last thing I would do before going to sleep was to write poetry – no rules, no thought, no expectations. It became a form of meditation for me. A lot of my poetry also ends up as lyrics in songs that I write. I'm working on my first poetry collection; and all the poems shared on this site will be included in this collection of poetry to be e-published in the summer of 2014.

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