Skylar Heart

Her Escape (Scarred Cliff, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393397514
EAN 9781393397519
Veröffentlicht November 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Easily Distracted Media
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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One coastal town full of memories, three boys she used to know.
Fleeing her abusive ex, a dead-end job and no prospects for anything better, Mia returns to the coastal town where she used to spend her summers as a kid. She hopes that sorting through the old things in her grandma's house may give her an idea of what she wants to do with her future. What she didn't expect was to run into the three boys who used to make her heart race.
It starts with Dylan, the brainiac, now a maths teacher at a nearby secondary school. Then Mal, the joker, who plays guitar in a band and composes music. And finally, Tom, the protector, a single dad who works as a carpenter.
But dark shadows hang over them, they all have demons in their past, and secrets. The guys she meets aren't the same as the boys she used to know eight years ago, but neither is Mia, who may be keeping the biggest secret of them all.
This is the first novella in the six-part long Scarred Cliff serial, a reverse harem #WhyChoose story. This novella may include any of these elements: steamy scenes, 'I need tissues NOW' moments, cries of 'why, oh, why' and cliffhangers that make you bite your nails (and curse the author). This story includes MF and MM scenes.
Author note: This series deals with topics which can be hard for some people, like abuse by a partner and the fallout of the suicide of a side character (which happened in the past but plays an important part in this story).

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