Sophie Kinsella

The Burnout

The hilarious new romantic comedy and instant No. 1 Sunday Times bestseller. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1529198615
EAN 9781529198614
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Transworld Digital
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
8,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

* The INSTANT Sunday Times bestseller *
'Hilarious, sparky and joyful - just the book you need if you're desperate for a break' BETH O'LEARY
'Funny, sad, relatable, and so brilliantly done. Sophie Kinsella is the queen of romantic comedy' JOJO MOYES
'Funny, feelgood, touching and full of the bittersweet, incisive wit that puts every Sophie Kinsella novel in a league of its own. I could not have loved it more.' LISA JEWELL
The irresistible new romantic comedy from the number one bestselling author.
Discover the joy that awaits when you set yourself free...
Sasha is well and truly over it all: work (all-consuming), friendships (on the back burner), sex-life (non-existent). Sasha has hit a brick wall (literally).
Armed with good intentions to drink kale smoothies, try yoga and find solitude, she heads to the Devon resort she loved as a child. But it's off-season, the hotel is falling apart and now she has to share the beach with someone else: a grumpy, stressed-out guy called Finn. How can she commune with nature when he's sitting on a rock, watching her? Especially when they don't agree on burnout cures. (Sasha: manifesting, wild swimming, secret chocolate bars; Finn: drinking whisky.)
But when curious messages start appearing on the beach, Sasha and Finn are forced to begin talking - about everything. What's the mystery? Why are they both burned out? What exactly is 'manifesting', anyway?
They might discover that they have more in common than they think...

'Deliciously pacey and absorbing' Daily Mail
'Such a hilarious, joyous, life-affirming book; I never wanted it to end' JENNY COLGAN
'An absolute joy. . . wickedly funny and blissfully romantic' Sunday Express
'A gorgeous, feelgood gem. 5 stars' Sun
'Uplifting and full of laugh-out-loud moments! Loved it!' HEIDI SWAIN
'[A] gorgeous, escapist read' Good Housekeeping
The Burnout, instant Sunday Times bestseller, October 2023


Sophie Kinsella is an internationally bestselling writer. She is the author of many number one bestsellers, including the hugely popular Shopaholic series. She has also written seven bestselling novels as Madeleine Wickham and several books for children. She lives in the UK with her husband and family.
Visit her website at and find her on Facebook at You can also follow her on Twitter @KinsellaSophie and Instagram @sophiekinsellawriter.

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