Stacie Pozdol

Insiders Tips and Strategies for Parenting (What Every Behavior Therapist Already Knows about Raising Happy, Cooperative Kids)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393357881
EAN 9781393357889
Veröffentlicht Januar 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Stacie Pozdol
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
9,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

This book is the parenting resource families have been waiting for! Written by a family and behavior therapist with 20 years' experience, Insiders Tips and Strategies for Parenting can help any family struggling with child aggression, refusals, non-compliance, or any behavioral concern learn strategies to improve their child's behavior in just 1 evening! If you're out of ideas and unsure how to manage your child, don't give up! The book starts with an in-depth introductory chapter that provides parents with a basic understanding of behavior and strategies. Each of the following chapters goes into more depth on the various topics covered. Parents can read the first chapter and have a good grasp of some helpful and easy to implement behavioral strategies. Parents looking for more intensive support, and who want to learn more about a specific concept or strategy, can select the appropriate follow-up chapter (or chapters) that are most relevant to their needs. The book is based on 20 years of experience working with both typically developing children and those with special needs, so the strategies listed are sure to help any family!


Stacie Pozdol, M.S., LMHC is a licensed, masters-level therapist with 20 years experience working with individuals with developmental and behavioral needs. Stacie has extensive experience working with families, teaching social-communication skills to children, consulting with schools, and collaborating with a wide range of individuals to help support children. Follow Stacie on her blog (and access downloadable copies of book worksheets) on her site below.

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