Star Jones

Satan's Sisters

A Novel Work of Fiction. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 320 Seiten
ISBN 1439193037
EAN 9781439193037
Veröffentlicht März 2011
Verlag/Hersteller Gallery Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Set against the bright lights and live feed of daytime television, Satan's Sisters by veteran TV insider Star Jones spins an irresistible tale of ruthless ambition, guarded secrets, backstabbing drama, true sisterhood, and an unforgettable tour backstage where the real “talk” takes place.
Satan's Sisters is the story of The Lunch Club, a long-running, popular ladies' talk show in which alliances are forged, careers are made, and bridges are burned. The show's famous red couch is ruled by its esteemed matriarch, Maxine Robinson, the first African American to become a network news anchor, who maintains a hidden safe of diaries chronicling others' indiscretions for posterity—and leverage as needed. But even all-knowing Maxine is caught off-guard when now superstar former co-host Heather Hope makes a ratings-gold guest appearance only to announce a bombshell: the imminent inside scoop straight from the mouth of another ousted member of The Lunch Club's inner sanctum.
Self-described “southern belle” Melissa “Missy” Adams has written an explosive tell-all exposing all the Lunch ladies' secrets and she's going to reveal it on Heather's show; but the story is bigger than just the two of them. Delving into the murky waters of each of the current five co-hosts' lives—and the loved ones, lovers, and support team surrounding them—Satan's Sisters dishes the dirt while serving up laughs, suspense, solidarity, and heartbreak. The Lunch Club's beleaguered publicist is assigned to track down the embargoed manuscript and assess the potential damage to everyone's livelihood...but time is running out and there's now a new mole spilling details of the show's private panic moments. Looks like Maxine is going to have to take things into her own hands...but can she escape becoming collateral damage?


Star Jones

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